Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cure Your Odontophobia Today!

Nervous about your next trip to the dentist? Keep cool in the dental chair during your next visit by heeding the following advice:

1. Find a Dentist you are Comfortable with.

Now, if you are one of those people that have developed a fear of the dentist (officially known as "odontophobia"), you definitely need to have a dentist that you are comfortable with in the first place. Your dentist should have a good bedside manor and make you at ease as much as possible, and if you fear the dentist more than most, you should communicate with them about this issue. Alternatively, if you do not like your dentist's style and way of treating patients, then find another dentist! I know that this may seem obvious, but you would be surprised by how many people don't take matters into their own hands when it comes to this.

2. This Ain't the Wild West!

An additional fact to keep in mind is that much of our fear of the dentist probably springs from the past, from times before the existence of the high-tech, vastly more advanced methods for dental procedures and of pain relief that thankfully exist today. Relax, we've come a long way from Doc Holiday with his nasty pliers and only his bottle of Jack Daniels to help you get through the dental experience! You can take comfort in the fact that dentists use the latest technology to make dental work as safe and as efficient for the patient as possible.

3. The Power of Positive Thinking.

Finally, an important aspect of overcoming fear of the dentist is the power of realistic, positive thinking. After all: you are actually going to the dentist to AVOID pain, because if dental problems go undiagnosed and untreated, the person afflicted will almost certainly suffer as a result. The dentist is there to fix your teeth so that they are pain-free, as well as to make them more beautiful to both the world and, most importantly, to you. In fact, skipping dental appointments is what should scare us!


Stop Dreaming of a White Christmas and Start Dreaming of Whiter Teeth

Christmas is quickly approaching and this means it's time to start decorating the house and buying gifts for those you love and care about. Indeed, Christmas is a holiday of giving! However, in the hustle and bustle of preparing our gifts and decorating our homes with care, we can forget to give to the one person we could truly never do without: ourselves!

After all, we must remember to care for ourselves in order to be able to be truly giving to others, and we must be especially careful not to forget our own needs during this season of giving. This includes taking time out to relax and de-stress, and treating your body with the respect that it deserves. Exercise, healthy eating and regular trips to the doctor are all important fundamentals to keeping ourselves healthy. These are all gifts we can treat ourselves to year 'round that no one in their right mind could consider selfish. And, don't forget the all-important dentist!

After all, not only is dental care essential to your health, it also can have an immediate effect on your appearance with whitening treatments or just from getting a regular cleaning. Unless you've been especially naughty this year, I think that you would agree that a visit to the dentist for a cleaning and/or whitening could be just the perfect little guilt-free gift to give to yourself this year for Christmas.

Taking care of your smile for the holidays makes a lot of sense when you think about it. During Christmas in particular, we put a ton of effort into decorating our living rooms and homes with lights, wreathes, statues and many different decorations. It seems only natural that you would want to keep your smile in just as much of a splendid condition for the holiday season. Remember, they say that your body is your temple, after all...

So, stop dreaming of a white Christmas and go out and get your smile white instead by making an appointment with the staff at Oakville Place Dental Office! You'll be glad you did, knowing that Santa will be more likely to put you on his "nice" list this year for making sure your teeth stay "as white as the snow"!

Happy Holidays!