Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Almost everyone, young and old alike, have suffered to some degree from the pain of sensitive teeth. And, whether it is sensitivity to cold liquids, hot liquids, cold air, sugary food, it is always an annoying and worrying thing indeed. However, what causes teeth to be sensitive in the first place? Does it mean that there is something wrong with them?

Not necessarily. Regardless of what has caused this to happen, almost all incidences of sensitive teeth are due to the exposure of the dentin, with is is the soft layer of your teeth that is usually safely protected by enamel, and having areas of your teeth that do not have enough enamel is not necessarily a cause for extreme alarm, much of the time. It really depends on what has caused the enamel to wear away in the first place that is the biggest concern.

For instance, receding gums, the first stage of gum disease, can often cause sensitive teeth, due to the lack of enamel on the part of the tooth that used to be protected by the gum. Receding gums should always be monitored, and can be minimized by such simple actions as consistent brushing and staying away from acidic foods and drinks.

Speaking of acidic foods and drinks, another common culprit for causing teeth to be sensitive is the over-consumption of acidic drinks like coffee, tea and especially sodas, which are high in both sugar (which can irritate teeth and increase sensitivity) and acid. So, if you are trying to get to the root of your sensitive teeth problem, cutting down on these sorts of beverages would be a great place to start.

Believe it or not, another common cause of sensitive teeth is brushing too hard! I know; to many this can seem a somewhat counter-intuitive proposition, but the fact of the matter is that if you use too stiff of a brush, or brush with too much force (which some of us might do because we are attempting in vain to make up for not brushing frequently enough), you are actually wearing the protective coating of enamel off of your teeth, which can make them quite sensitive indeed. So, be sure to buy a toothbrush with soft bristles, and gently and thoroughly brush often (instead of trying to make up for skipped brushing sessions all at once!). Brushing regularly will also help avoid plague build up, which can lead to gum disease, and then; you got it, more sensitive teeth!

Also, having your teeth whitened will often make them extremely sensitive for a certain amount of time after the treatments. Be sure to use a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth during those times. In fact, some dentists have recently started recommending that all of their patients always use this type of toothpaste since it is especially formulated to be gentle to your teeth's enamel coating.

Other causes: overly acidic mouth washes (try to find one that doesn't have alcohol in it), grinding your teeth (dentists make special mouth gaurds that can help with this one) and dehydration (you guessed it: make sure you drink enough water!).

So, in nut shell, there is a whole cornocopia of potential causes for sensitive teeth, some of them more serious than others. No matter what, don't put off seeing your dentist and telling him or her about the problem. They are there to help you, and can usually quite easily pinpoint the cause of this annoying sort of discomfort. And, they even have special treatments that they can do that can often cut down your sensitivity right away whle you work on changing whatever habit you had that caused your teeth to become so sensitive in the first place.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

All About Dental Bridges

No matter how careful you are with your teeth, sometimes unforeseen things like accidents or even gum disease can lead to missing teeth. When this happens, there are several different methods that can be used to replace the tooth, the easiest and most relatively inexpensive being the use of a dental bridge.

Indeed, a dental bridge is the perfect solution for someone who has suffered the loss of a molar, and has two healthy teeth adjacent to the spot where the missing tooth was originally. In this scenario, your dentist will more than likely suggest the use of a dental bridge, using the aforementioned healthy teeth to hold the new replacement tooth (called a "pontic") in place. Depending on the given circumstances surrounding the place where the bridge will be installed, and the preference of the patient his or herself, dental bridges can either be temporary or permanent.

The permanent option requires that the adjacent teeth be altered considerably, so that they can be crowned (see last month's "The Lowdown on Dental Crowns") so that the bridge has something to attach to on either side of the installation, therefore holding the artificial tooth securly in place. Common materials for permanent bridges are gold, porcelain and even porcelain fused together with metals. There are also resin-bonded bridges, but these are only used in cases where patients have very healthy teeth, and where missing tooth is not located near the back of the mouth, where most of the chewing takes place. Indeed, this type of bridge is usually only used when front teeth are missing.

If, however, a temporary, or "Maryland" bridge is all that is required, there is a special method in which your dentist will affix the artificial tooth using "wings" that wrap around the rear and far sides of the adjacent teeth, essentially tying the fake tooth to the adjacent real ones on either side. Temporary bridges are, as the term denotes, far more temporary than permanent ones. They are more prone to breaking and having the "wings" come unglued from the sides of the adjacent real teeth. Plus, there is the unsightly metal "wings" themselves, and, although there are more natural looking plastic wings, they are considerably more expensive, and often do not last as long as the metal ones.

Just like having a crown installed, having a dental bridge put in usually requires two visits to your dentist's office. At the first appointment, your dentist will shape your adjacent teeth and take a mold of them, so that his or her laboratory can craft both the two crowns and one artificial tooth necessary for the assembly of the bridge. In the meantime, a temporary bridge will usually be installed to carry you through the usually week-long process of creating your dental bridge assembly.

The process of having a bridge installed is usually not a very painful one. In fact, the most common complaint people usual have is an increased sensitivity to the teeth that are adjacent to the artificial one, but this usually diminishes over time. However, if you experience any serious pain or discomfort after undergoing this common dental procedure, we would advise that you see your dentist immediately to make sure that all has, indeed, gone according to plan with your new dental bridge.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Low-down on Dental Crowns

No matter how well we treat our teeth, the nature of our modern diet and certain hereditary predispositions makes is so that almost everyone ends up getting at least one cavity at some point in their life, and a large percentage of us will also end up getting at least one dental crown as well. But, what is a dental crown, anyway? Well, read on to find out more..

Basically, in a nut shell, dental crowns are used to repair teeth that have been damaged either through decay or injury, and are also used to support dental bridges and restore dental implants (we'll cover these two dental procedures in upcoming posts). Dental crowns, as their name implies, sit atop the damaged tooth, and are thus shaped like an actual tooth. They are made of metal and ceramic, the type of material used usually being determined by the type of damage the tooth underneath has indeed suffered, metal crowns being less popular because they do not resemble the color of natural teeth in any way, and are thus much more visibly obvious.

However, metal crowns (which can be made with many types of metal, gold and nickel to list just a few), are also much stronger and more durable than their ceramic counterparts, and thus are often considered the best choice for that reason, depending on the severity of the damage to the tooth it is supposed to rectify. Ceramic crowns, on the other hand, are usually made from porcelain or synthetic resins, and often preferred by patients because they more so resemble human teeth, being more or less the same color and even having a similar way in which light reflects off of them as well.

So, you might be wondering what undergoing a dental crown procedure entails (especially if you stumbled on this article because you are about to have one, I suppose!). Well, dental crown procedures are basically comprised of two steps, the first being the removal of thin layers of enamel from the tooth to be crowned, as well as some enamel layers from adjacent teeth. This is done in order to make sure that the tightest merging possible is obtained between the crown and the natural tooth underneath. An impression mold of the to-be-crowned tooth is then taken, and the crown itself is then created in a dental laboratory, which usually takes about two weeks or so. In the meantime your dentist will give you what is called a temporary crown that will be placed on the tooth until the permanent one as been created. Then you will have to go back to the dentist to have the temporary crown removed and the permanent one cemented firmly in its place.

The lifetime of a dental crown can be as long as 15 years if proper oral hygiene is practiced by the individual in possession of the crown. After this amount of time, crowns usually need to be replaced, but not always. Of course, on the other hand, sometimes crowns need to be replaced much earlier due to wear, further dental decay, or having been improperly affixed by the dentist in the first place.

So, there you have it, the low-down on dental crowns. Like we said earlier, having to undergo dental procedures like crowns can often, but not always, be avoided if one eats right and practices good oral hygiene. However, if you have suffered a broken or damaged tooth, you can definitely benefit from this modern, relatively painless dental procedure.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dental Assistants/Hygienists; A Closer Look

Without question, dental assistants are the great unsung heroes of any successful dental office. And, it's no wonder; the smile and general demeanor of the dental assistant is often the first impression a patient gets once they are finally invited out of the waiting room and into the treatment room itself. So, for this reason alone, dental assistants and hygienists have a huge influence over how the atmosphere of a dental office is expressed to the patients, whether they are receiving a general cleaning or a major dental procedure.

However, the importance and significance of dental assistants and hygienists goes far beyond just making the patient feel comfortable. Indeed, the dental assistant or hygienist is the right-hand-man or -woman to the dentist, and, when operating in full sync with the dentist in question, almost become an extension of him or her. For instance; it is the dental assistant that will first prepare the patient for any sort of procedure, who will pull out the patient's file for the perusal of the dentist, who will be present in the treatment room if any sort of assistance to the dentist is necessary. Indeed, whatever treatment you are undergoing, you are most likely to have more interaction with the dentist's assistant than you are with the dentist themselves (this, of course, also allows the dentist the luxury of being able to treat more patients at once, thereby increasing efficiency and driving dental costs down).

So, at this point you may be asking yourself, "what is the difference between a dental assistant and dental hygienist, anyway?". Well, although people often end up using both terms interchangeably, they are indeed two different things. A dental assistant's duties include, but are not necessarily limited to; assisting the dentist during most treatment procedures, taking (and developing) dental X-rays, making sure that all the dentist's tools are sterilized and clean, pulling and re-filing of dental records, making impression molds of patient's teeth, teaching proper brushing and flossing techniques, and, as mentioned before, meeting with patients before and after any dental procedure. Most states will allow anyone who has completed a year-long course to receive a dental assistant's certificate.

The dental hygienist, on the other hand, must usually receive a 2-4 year associate's or bachelor's degree in dental hygiene in order to become certified. And, along with sharing in common all of the duties and responsibilities of the dental assistant, the dental hygienist must shoulder additional responsibilities as well, including performing certain simpler dental procedures on their own. These procedures include removing calcium deposits and plague from a patient's teeth, applying fluoride to the patient's teeth, removing sutures and dressing after major dental procedures and administering local anesthetics as well. For this reason, the dental hygienist is often compensated more highly for his or her services, and rightly so; they are the bridge that connects the jobs of dental assistant and full-fledged dentist, many of them going on to pursue a master's degree, or even their doctorate so that they can become dentist's themselves.

So, there you have it; both the dental assistant and the slightly more advanced dental hygienist are indeed indispensable to the day-to-day operation and overall success of any dental practice. In fact, next time you enter the dental treatment room, why not give give your friendly dental assistant/hygienist and extra smile to let them know that you appreciate the valuable service that they provide? We here at the Oakville Place Dental Office Blog are almost positive they'll smile right back.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Top 5 Oral Health Misconceptions

When it comes to maintaining a healthy smile, there are unfortunately many widespread, common misconceptions about how to go about it. This is, we believe, to a large extent due to the fact that there exists in the public's psyche at large a myriad of "old wives tales" that have been passed down so long throughout time that they often unfortunately become taken as truth. So, without further ado, we here at the Oakville Place Dental Office Blog present the top 5 misconceptions about oral health.

1. Hard Bristles Equal a Thorough Brushing

Although we've covered this topic before on this blog, it seems to us that it bears repeating, due to just how commonly held this misconception is by so may people. Of course, probably one of the reasons that so many people continue to believe that a stiff brush will more effectively clean teeth is a pretty logical one; just like a scrub-brush will do a better job of cleaning the dishes than a simple sponge, it is believed that applying a harsher tool to the teeth will make more efficient work of ridding them of plague build-up. However, the use of too stiff of a brush can lead to early erosion of the enamel of your teeth, so it is important to use a soft brush, and then just brush more thoroughly.

2. Using Toothpicks is Good for Your Gums

Unfortunately, there is a new school of thought that using toothpicks thoroughly along the gum line can increase circulation and thus improve gum health. Some folks even believe that using toothpicks can serve as a replacement for dental floss! However, this is sadly not the case, because the use of toothpicks to clean out food in between the teeth can often cause more harm than good, leading to injured gums and even further erosion of the teeth themselves, due to the often rough surfaces of toothpicks. So; stick to dental floss!

3. The Use of Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Agents

What with the relatively high price of having your teeth whitened by a professional, many end up believing that they can save money, and even time, by using over-the-counter teeth-whitening products. While it is true that many of these products can help whiten your teeth a certain amount, the results that they generally yield do not even come close to touching the level of whitening that you can be achieved by having it done professionally. Also, there is what is called a "catch-22" situation that can arise when it comes to these OTC whitening products, because the more potentially effective these products can be, the more likely that they can be dangerous for the consumer if they are used improperly, which generally isn't that hard to do, considering the dedication that it takes to use them correctly in the first place. In addition to this, by having the whitening treatment done by your dentist, you are more likely to enjoy more lasting results, as well.

4. The Avoidance of Brushing Due to Bleeding Gums

Though this may seem counter-intuitive to most of us, there are some folks out there who believe that if their gums start bleeding, they should lighten up on the brushing, usually because this is when their gums are more likely to bleed in the first place. However, quite the opposite is usually the case; most people who experience bleeding of the gums are having this happen due to the fact that they haven't been brushing (and flossing) enough in the first place, which can cause inflammation of the gums, and they just need to continue practicing the act of thorough brushing (with a soft bristled brush, of course!) and the situation will usually resolve itself as the gums slowly toughen up. However, it should be stated that if you experience long-term bleeding of the gums you should definitely inform your dentist of this, and, actually, any incedence of bleeding of the gums should be mentioned to your dentist as well.

5. Misconceptions About Children's Teeth

Although it is easy to understand why there would be many misconceptions when it comes to dental care for young children (first-time parents especially), the most common of these misconceptions can be very harmful to the children involved. The first of these involves the common and seemingly innocuous act of leaving a baby's bottle in the child's mouth to calm it down. Unfortunately, most milk products contain a certain amount of sugar, and by leaving the bottle in the baby's mouth they are creating a scenario in which the child's teeth will be immersed in milk for long periods of time, which can promote the existence of bacteria and decay of the teeth in the not-so-distant future.

Which brings us to the other common misconception about dental health that specifically applies to children; many parents unfortunately believe that, since children's "baby teeth" will all be eventually replaced by adult teeth, they do not need the attention and care that adult teeth require. However, this is indeed false. From as early as age two, young children can indeed benefit from dental care, if only to teach the children as early on as possible the importance of taking care of their teeth. Also, just because baby teeth are essentially temporary, if problems with them become serious enough they can effect the young child's overall health, so consistently taking young children to their dental visits is of the utmost importance.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Modern Day Reality of Pain-Free Dentistry

Although we may have already covered this topic a bit before on this blog (see: "Cure Your Odontophobia Today!"), the following cannot be stressed enough: if you put off going to the dentist, you are just going to end up making things harder for yourself in the end, because the earlier that dental problems are discovered by your dentist, the easier the procedure for dealing with them will be. Regardless of this, many people unfortunately end up putting-off going to the dentist as long as they can, and it's usually mostly out of fear of experiencing pain while in the dentist's chair. However, luckily for anyone that doesn't like pain (which, I would bet includes most all of us!), this common fear is entirely unjustified, due to many wonderful recent (and not-so-recent) advances in the way that dental care is administered.

Indeed, pain-free dentistry is now a reality, and can make even the most extreme of dental procedures more than easy to deal with. But, regardless of this fact, many people, when considering the prospect of going to the dentist, still think of the "Wild West" days of dental care, when the only pain-management system was Doc Holiday's bottle of whiskey. However, nowadays dentists have at their disposal all sorts of modern and advanced tools, chemicals and procedures that leave those dreaded days of dental nightmares in the dust, where they belong!

Besides the obvious pain-alleviators, like Novocain, there now exists a range of sedatives that dentists commonly use to ensure that their patient's procedure is entirely pain-free. After all; while Novocain does indeed numb the mouth in preparation for having dental work done, some people suffer intense fear of the needle itself, and even claim that it hurts to get the shot in the first place. And, whereas before most sedatives were given to patients intravenously, by using orally-administered sedatives, the patient can be relaxed and less-worried before the local anesthetic is even applied.

By the use of short-term sedatives like Valium, and the old standard nitrous-oxide (AKA "laughing gas"), the patient can start any procedure out right by being relaxed and in the right frame of mind. However, for some people, the relatively new practice of "sleep-dentistry" is desirable. With this most modern form of anesthesiology, the patient is intravenously administered a serum that puts them in a state called "conscious sedation", in which they, although not technically unconscious or, indeed, asleep, enter a dream-like state that soothes and relaxes the patient to the point that they often don't even remember what happened in the dental chair at all!

So, you might be wondering; what type of sedation and pain-relief will your dentist prescribe? Well, that will, of course, depend on many things, including whether or not you take any other medication, and how sensitive or fearful you tend to be when undergoing dental procedures. For this reason it is important that you discuss thoroughly any mental of physical concerns you may have with your dentist so that he or she can make the most informed decision when it comes to choosing which method to use in order to insure that your dental experience as comfortable as possible.

Pain-free dentistry is indeed a modern day reality, and, when it comes down to it, the advantage is two-fold; the patient gets to experience much less discomfort and pain while in the dental chair, and the dentist is able to concentrate on their task at hand more efficiently and quickly, due to not having to deal with all those stressed-out, fearful patients of days gone by.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Choosing the Right Manual Toothbrush

When it comes to maintaining your smile's radiance between dental visits, there is nothing more important than having the right toothbrush. However, one little journey into the heart of the dental care section of any local supermarket or drug store can often make one feel confused and overwhelmed as to which sort of toothbrush to get. Indeed; the galaxy of colors and styles of toothbrushes has multiplied over the years as new technologies have come about, and it is important to cut through all of the hype in order to find the right brush for the job. So, for this article we will be focusing only on the most common type of toothbrush that people use; the old-fashioned manual kind, saving discussion about the myriad of electronic brushes that are currently available for another article in the future.

To start off, one of the main (and most highly understandable) misconceptions about buying a tooth brush is that you should try to have one with stiff bristles. This is probably due to the fact that, over the years, dentists have somewhat changed their tune when it comes to this issue, now realizing that if you brush too hard you run the risk of taking too much enamel off of your teeth, and perhaps even irritating or damaging your gums in the process as well. So, one of the first things to keep in mind when choosing your next toothbrush is to find one with soft bristles so that you will be giving your teeth and gums enough even stimulation without overdoing it and working against yourself.

Secondly, there is what the toothbrush bristles are made of in the first place. Nowadays, toothbrushes are usually made out of nylon bristles, which is the considered by most dentists to be the best way to go. And, yes; some toothbrush manufacturers are boasting about the use of more fancy, experimental elements in their brushes, most notably the new "nano-silver particles" that are supposed to help with the cleaning process. However, while some research shows that using "toothbrush additives" like nano-silver (they even have nano-gold!) can supposedly be beneficial, there is overall not enough evidence in this department to warrant their extremely high cost. So, stick to nylon brushes and you will be fine.

When it comes to the size of the brush, smaller heads usually ends up being the better option to go for. Unfortunately, a lot of people end up thinking that a bigger brush will mean that they don't have to work as hard to get the same tooth-cleaning results. However, a smaller brush head will mean more overall ability to make contact with all the tooth surfaces in your mouth, which usually ends up being harder to do with a larger brush. Also, the type of handle that the brush has can be important as well. Make sure to find one that is easy to grip, the more comfortable the better. And the more modern, curved style handle is ultimately more preferable to the old-fashioned straight kind, the angle itself making it more ergonomically possible to get that brush everywhere it needs to go in your mouth with ease.

Overall, the most important thing for you to keep in mind when choosing a new brush is that, when it comes down to it, having the right brush is just as important as how well you brush your teeth in the first place! Indeed; a worn-out or inappropriate toothbrush can make it so that you are essentially working against yourself, or at the very least working harder than you have to. Also, another motivator for taking the time to pick the right brush and replace it often (dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush every three to four months) is that the act of brushing itself will be more pleasurable, both because it will be easier, and you will have the peace of mind that you have, indeed, found the right tool for the job.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wisdom Teeth: Nothing to Crack Wise About

Contrary to popular belief, "wisdom teeth" are not so-called because they make you smarter. Okay, actually, we here at the Oakville Place Dental Office don't really know of too many people who hold this belief, but you never know. Still, we should probably realize that any reader of this blog is probably "wiser" than to believe that!

Anyway, the truth is that wisdom teeth are simply a third set of molars that probably got their esteemed-sounding name due to the fact that they usually grow in when someone is in their most formative years of education; between the ages of 13 and 25. However, there is an irony here, because wisdom teeth often become problematic due to the fact that over the course of our evolution human being's jaws have shrunken in size, but our number of teeth have comparatively remained the same. Thus, wisdom teeth often do not have the room to grow in and therefore can become impacted, and, often even if they do manage to grow in, they can cause problems like overcrowding of the teeth, and thus must still be removed.

Originally it was believed that the only proper, safe time to remove wisdom teeth was when they had fully emerged. However, as dental science and understanding has advanced, we have come to realize that it is important to deal with any potential problem with wisdom teeth as soon as it is possible to do so. In fact, nowadays it is advisable to start planning on whether or not your wisdom teeth are going to be removed as soon as the roots for these renegade molars have begun to form, because often times the longer you wait to decide to have them removed, the more extreme and difficult the procedure is to both administer and undergo.

So, your dentist will more than likely use X-rays to assess what the proper course of action is. Depending on the positioning of the teeth and the overall shape of the face, the risk of impaction or other problems varies between patients. While most people that have them end up getting them removed, some people choose not to do so and just take their chances, which can be many: misaligned bites, infections, TMJ and inflamed gum tissue, just to name a few. Also, the longer one waits to remove wisdom teeth the more likely one is to suffer the rare, but possible, ill-effects of having the surgery done, like nerve damage and numbness. Of course, the likelihood of your wisdom teeth causing problems later on down the line can be to a certain degree unknown, however usually an educated guess as to the future outcome of them can be made by your dentist or oral surgeon.

Finally, no matter what, if your dentist tells you that you should have your wisdom teeth removed, it is important not to let fear of the procedure guide your decision making process. Although the thought of having any teeth removed can be quite a frightening prospect, it is vital to keep in mind that the removal of wisdom teeth is an extremely common procedure, and with modern, pain-free dentistry, you know you will be in good hands during the procedure. So, when it comes to your wisdom teeth, it is important to make the "wise" (sorry, last one!) choice and do the right thing for both your smile and health if it is recommended that you have them removed.

Can the Dentist Help You Stop Snoring?

Of the multitude of services that dentists provide, helping people to stop snoring and sleep more soundly is usually not the first one that comes to mind. However, if you have already tried the plethora of techniques that are out there and nothing has worked (and if you've spent any time at all attempting to become an ex-snorer then I'm sure you know what I am talking about; everything from anti-snore pillows to expensive adjustable beds to pills and creams all claim to be able to help you "quiet the beast"..), talking to your dentist about your "snoring-habit" may be the next step to take.

"But, how can a dentist help with snoring?", you may be wondering.

Well, first off, there are several different conditions that come into play that can make someone a snorer, the most basic element being that the collapsible parts of the throat, mainly the uvula, is being moved about and sometimes even partially blocking the passage of air as the sleeper breathes in and out. However, for some people, the adjustment of the position of the jaw, which indeed lies in the purview of your dentist, can be a key factor in keeping the above mentioned scenario from taking place in the first place!

Indeed, just as dentists often treat habitual night-time teeth-grinding with preventative mouth-guards, your dentist (or another that is more specially-trained in this area of dentistry) may be able to create an anti-snoring appliance especially for you. Also called "oral splints" (don't worry, they are not as unpleasant as they sound!), these devices, worn only at night, work by simply bringing forward your lower jaw and tongue, which in turn opens up the back of the throat by keeping your tongue and other soft tissues from blocking the air passage. In order that that they can be most effective and comfortable, oral splints must be created to fit especially for the mouth of the person that is wearing them, which is where your dentist comes into play. The procedure is usually rather quick, and of course painless, and the results of how effective the usage of one of these devices will be for you will be found out the next time you go to sleep!

So, if you've tried everything else, why not ask your dentist about what he or she might be able to do about your snoring problem? After all, snoring impacts everyone; from the quality of sleep for the snorer, to the mental sanity of those that share the same house with them. And, while it should be stated that anti-snoring dental devices don't help everyone, they could also be the silver bullet that could keep you from transforming nightly into that snoring "beast" once and for all!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Preparing For Your Child's First Dental Visit

A child's first trip to the dentist is always a big step for both child and parent. However, this step needn't be a scary one for your child as there are many things that you can do to make it as pleasant and positive an experience for them as possible.

First off, it is important to set the precedent that the dentist office is a fun and safe place to go. One very effective way of achieving this is to take your child along to one of your own dental visits first (a simple cleaning might be better than, say, a root canal...), before it is time for him or her to have their own appointment. By showing your child that you are not afraid of the dentist, and letting him or her become acclimated to the environment of the office early on, your child will be more relaxed when it comes his or her turn to meet the dentist for the first time.

Scheduling is another important factor when it comes to making this maiden voyage go as smooth as possible. More than likely, the best time for your child's first appointment will be in the morning, when he or she is well rested and has already had breakfast, and is thus less likely to feel tired and cranky.

However, more important than anything else is how you plan on explaining to your child what a trip to the dentist means in the first place. For this maneuver, there are many different approaches that one can use. One might be that the child is going on a "field trip" to the dentist's office. Another might be swapping the word "appointment" with "adventure". You probably want to avoid using words like "examination" or even "cleaning" (we all know how some kids hate taking baths!). Emphasize how nice and kind that the dentist you're going to is, and maybe even say that the dentist chair moves up and down like a carnival ride. No matter what, it is important that you instill in your child early on the idea that going to the dentist is a good thing to do, and that it might even be fun! For this first visit it is important to save the more serious stuff for later; after you get them through that first visit you can then move on to explaining that going to the dentist makes it so that you are protecting your teeth from "getting sick".

The final tip we have for making your child's first dental examination as pleasant as possible can be summed up in one simple word: distraction. The old standby of prizes waiting at the end of the dental tunnel for your child is of definite importance, so make sure the office you go to provides this for the young ones (and if not, bring some yourself). However, why not get your child something new to distract them while on the way to the appointment? This may seem at first like "spoiling" them, but, after all, "a spoon full of sugar does make the medicine go down." Thus, if your child has a new toy in his or her hand upon entering the dentist office, there is a good chance that this will remain in the forefront of their consciousness most of the way toward climbing up into the chair.

So, parents be brave! With a little forethought and creativity, you can turn your child's first dental appointment into a positive, fun experience, and create a solid foundation for your child to establish a healthy attitude about taking care of their teeth as well.

Getting Your Teeth Whitened the Right Way

Let's face it, almost everyone in the world would like to have whiter teeth. And why not? Having white teeth makes people feel more confident, appear healthier and look younger to those around them. Plus, perhaps most fundamentally, it makes you want to smile more often! But, when your teeth have lost some of their luster and shine, what is the best way to go about turning back the hands of time and brightening back up your smile?

Of course, before we talk about the best way to whiten your teeth, it is important to emphasize that the first line of defense in keeping your teeth white and healthy is to make sure that you cover all of your preventative bases, and that means keeping up with your dental responsibilities! Brushing, flossing and regular trips to the dentist all help us keep our pearly whites pearly white. And, of course, avoiding damaging behaviors like smoking cigarettes, drinking too much coffee and sipping too much black tea, is also a necessity if you want to keep your smile shining bright through the years.

However, no matter how much we might manage to control these factors, and live the healthiest lifestyle we can possibly muster, it's a sad but true fact that teeth do simply get less white as we age. Factors that play into this include everything from simple wear and tear on the enamel of the teeth, to more extreme examples of tooth darkening that can happen when the root of a tooth is injured or removed, as in root canal therapy.

So, when the need arises, what is the best way to get your teeth whitened?

Upon visiting the dental care aisle in any grocery or drug store, you will undoubtedly find yourself presented with an overwhelming cornucopia of products claiming all sorts of teeth whitening powers. And, when it comes down to it, a lot of these OTC remedies probably can help out a bit, maybe whitening your teeth a shade or two. However, most of these products come with a hidden extra cost. Many of today's over the counter whitening products, including whitening toothpastes, use abrasive substances to scrub away stains, and these substances can also do damage to the enamel of the teeth, especially if used over long periods time. Also, while over the counter bleaching agents can help with some stains, they usually prove useless when trying to whiten badly darkened teeth and are unwise to use if you've had any dental restorative work, like crowns or bonding.

Consequently, the best way to effectively and safely whiten your teeth is to have the job handled by a professional, and, luckily, most dentists nowadays have an arsenal of proven methods for whitening your teeth. These include bonding, which is a thin, plastic-based coating (usually used to fix chipped or broken teeth) that can be used to cover imperfections, dental veneers, which are a more stain-resistant method of covering up the teeth, and finally the most popular method of tooth whitening; bleaching.

When it comes to whitening your teeth with bleach, the dentist office is definitely the place to go. Like we said before, most over the counter bleaching systems are pretty ineffective, and if used incorrectly can even be damaging to the teeth as well. By having your teeth bleached by a dentist, you can be assured that you will not end up with unevenly whitened teeth, and that he or she will be applying the bleach in the safest, most effective way possible. Also, it is important to keep in mind that bleaching of the teeth is a long-term process that is most effectively carried out gradually and carefully, and by having it done by a professional you are ensuring that this will be the case.

So, next time you are visiting our office, don't be embarrassed to ask your dentist what your best tooth-whitening options may be. Or, how about simply learning more about our cosmetic dentistry services online? After all, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing right, and no one is more prepared to help you have the brightest smile possible than your dentist.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Five Famous Dentists Throughout History

Some of you may find the concept of "famous dentists throughout history" to be a rather strange one. However, we feel that the history of dentistry is just as important to our society as that of any other medical profession. Therefore, we would like to present our picks for the Top Five Famous Dentists Throughout History:

First off, no rundown of famous dentists would be complete without mentioning John Henry "Doc" Holliday, the mysterious and much-storied wild-west dentist who played a part in many famous stories from the days of the old West, mainly, of course, "the gunfight at the O.K. Corral." However, regardless of the fact that Holliday is mostly known as a extravagant gambler and expert gunslinger, his profession was nonetheless that of being a dentist. His first dental office was located in Atlanta, and then he rambled out to Dallas, Texas where he discovered that he could make more money gambling than practicing dentistry. After that, he ended up in the Wild West where he solidified his place in history by being enmeshed in the turbulent times that were happening there.

Norman W. Kingsley is often called "The Father of Orthodontics", and for good reason. Back in 1880, he wrote "Treatise on Oral Deformities," which was hugely influential on the field of dentistry as a whole. On top of being a pioneering dentist, he also was an artist, writer of fiction and sculptor. His 1880 book is still referenced today. He was also the founder of the New York State Dental Society in 1868.

Another famous dentist was originally a psychiatrist. However, Sir James Crichton-Browne, was most famous for his work in connection with the field of dentistry, specifically pediatric dentistry. Besides being an early advocate of dental care for children, this dentist was responsible for the discovery of the benefits of fluorine to fight tooth decay, which was about a half-century ahead of being officially confirmed by dentists worldwide.

Pierre Fauchard, an important French physician, wrote "The Surgeon Dentist" in 1728. This was truly a ground-breaking book that documented thoroughly everything from basic oral anatomy and oral pathology, to methods of treatment for removing tooth decay, orthodontics, replacement of missing teeth, etc., and earned him the title of "The Father of Modern Dentistry."

Finally, another groundbreaking dentist was Thomas Curtis, the first African-American dentist in Alabama. He served both the dental and African-American communities as a model of what being a dentist should be, and was a huge proponent and advocate for equal rights when it came to the practice and availability of the dental resources for all people.

We here at the Oakville Place Dental Office blog feel that these (and other famous, important dentists) often go under appreciated as far as their historical significance is concerned. So, next time you're in the dental chair, why not do a little name dropping and mention to your dentist one of these names you've learned today. After all, he or she spends so much time every day working on everyone else's smile, why not try seeing if you can make their smile a little bit brighter too?

Getting the Most Out of Going to the Dentist Office

When it comes to being fully informed about keeping your teeth healthy and all other things dental, there is obviously no one better to talk to than a dentist. However, many of us find ourselves "freezing up" a bit once we actually arrive at a dental office for a variety of reasons, even perhaps due to having some amount of "odotophobia" (as mentioned in a previous blog entry). Unfortunately, the end result of our "freezing up" is that we don't end up fully communicating to our dentists all of our dental needs. Here are a few examples of what I mean...

First off, it is important that you remember that dentists are people too, and therefore they are all different. They all have different approaches in how they treat patients, i.e. they all have different "bedside manners." Therefore, it is always good to get to know your dentist's style before you dive too deep into your dental care with him or her. So before getting to the point when it might be time to undergo a major dental procedure, be sure to schedule a routine visit with your dentist first. This way, you can get to know your dentist and have the potential of building a more trusting relationship with him or her. And remember, if your dentist's approach doesn't sit right with you, you may want to consider going to someone else for dental care that you can feel more comfortable with.

Secondly, once you know that you are with a dentist that you do indeed feel comfortable with, it is important to make sure to share all of your potentially pertinent medical information with him or her. This means telling your dentist about things like any prescription medications that you may be taking and of any medical conditions that you might have. You would be surprised to know how many different medical conditions can make it so that certain special precautions should be taken upon undergoing any major dental procedure. Additionally, you should definitely express to your dentist any mental concerns or fears that you may have regarding the undergoing of any procedure, even if it is just that you have an overall fear of going to the dentist itself. Don't be shy! Your dentist would much rather know of your feelings and concerns beforehand, so that he or she can do a better job making you feel as comfortable as possible.

Lastly, it is extremely important to keep your dentist fully informed of any pain, sensitivity, or other symptoms that you may have regarding your teeth. Many patients don't want to do this because they fear that they will be getting themselves into more "trouble" by revealing to the dentist new problems that will then have to be dealt with. However, it is important to keep in mind that you are at the dentist office in the first place in order to get rid of (and/or prevent) any potential dental problems that you might have. So why would you want to keep anything like that a secret? Also, by choosing to keep quiet about any tooth pain, you may just end up having to undergo a more serious dental procedure later instead.

So, be sure to communicate clearly and thoroughly with your dentist about everything we've talked about here. By making sure that you keep him or her as fully informed as possible, you will be guaranteed to get the most out of all your future trips to the dentist office.